Thursday, October 9, 2014

How to get MOTIVATED!!

Let's face it when it comes to exercising we all lack motivation, we just cant drag ourselves off the couch. Reasons for this are working, busy, tired, kids, no time, just want to relax etc...

So how do we beat the couch blues??

One Goal. Whenever I’ve been in a slump, I’ve discovered that it’s often because I have too much going on in my life. I’m trying to do too much. And it saps my energy and motivation. It’s probably the most common mistake that people make: they try to take on too much, try to accomplish too many goals at once. You cannot maintain energy and focus (the two most important things in accomplishing a goal) if you are trying to do two or more goals at once. It’s not possible — I’ve tried it many times. You have to choose one goal, for now, and focus on it completely. I know, that’s hard. Still, I speak from experience. You can always do your other goals when you’ve accomplished your One Goal.

Find inspiration. Inspiration, for me, comes from others who have achieved what I want to achieve, or who are currently doing it. I read other blogs, books, magazines. I Google my goal, and read success stories.

Get excited. This sounds obvious, but most people don’t think about it much: if you want to break out of a slump, get yourself excited about a goal. But how can you do that when you don’t feel motivated? Well, it starts with inspiration from others, but you have to take that excitement and build on it. For me, I’ve learned that by talking to my husband about it, and to others, and reading as much about it as possible, and visualizing what it would be like to be successful (seeing the benefits of the goal in my head), I get excited about a goal. Once I’ve done that, it’s just a matter of carrying that energy forward and keeping it going.

Build anticipation. This will sound hard, and many people will skip this tip. But it really works. It helped me keep the weight off after many failed attempts. If you find inspiration and want to do a goal, don’t start right away. Many of us will get excited and want to start today. That’s a mistake. Set a date in the future — a week or two, or even a month — and make that your Start Date. Mark it on the calendar. Get excited about that date. Make it the most important date in your life. In the meantime, start writing out a plan. And do some of the steps below. Because by delaying your start, you are building anticipation, and increasing your focus and energy for your goal.

Post your goal. Print out your goal in big words. Make your goal just a few words long, like a mantra (“Exercise 15 mins. Daily”), and post it up on your wall or refrigerator. Post it at home and work. Put it on your computer desktop. You want to have big reminders about your goal, to keep your focus and keep your excitement going. A picture of your goal  also helps.

Commit publicly. None of us likes to look bad in front of others. We will go the extra mile to do something we’ve said publicly.  Now, you don’t have to commit to your goal in your daily newspaper, but you can do it with friends and family and co-workers, and you can do it on your blog if you have one. And hold yourself accountable — don’t just commit once, but commit to giving progress updates to everyone every week or so.

Think about it daily. If you think about your goal every day, it is much more likely to become true. To this end, posting the goal on your wall or computer desktop helps a lot. Sending yourself daily reminders also helps. And if you can commit to doing one small thing to further your goal (even just 5 minutes) every single day, your goal will almost certainly come true.

Get support. It’s hard to accomplish something alone. My husband Brian helped every step of the way. I couldn’t have done these goals without him, or without the others who supported me. Find your support network, either in the real world or online, or both.

Stick with it. Whatever you do, don’t give up. Even if you aren’t feeling any motivation today, or this week, don’t give up. Again, that motivation will come back. Think of your goal as a long journey, and your slump is just a little bump in the road. You can’t give up with every little bump. Stay with it for the long term, ride out the ebbs and surf on the flows, and you’ll get there.

Start small. Really small. If you are having a hard time getting started, it may be because you’re thinking too big. If you want to exercise, for example, you may be thinking that you have to do these intense workouts 5 days a week. No — instead, do small, tiny, baby steps. Just do 2 minutes of exercise. I know, that sounds wimpy. But it works. Commit to 2 minutes of exercise for one week. You may want to do more, but just stick to 2 minutes. It’s so easy, you can’t fail. Do it at the same time, every day. Just some crunches, 2 pushups, and some jogging in place. Once you’ve done 2 minutes a day for a week, increase it to 5, and stick with that for a week. In a month, you’ll be doing 15-20. Want to wake up early? Don’t think about waking at 5 a.m. Instead, think about waking 10 minutes earlier for a week. That’s all. Once you’ve done that, wake 10 minutes earlier than that. Baby steps.

Build on small successes. Again, if you start small for a week, you’re going to be successful. You can’t fail if you start with something ridiculously easy. Who can’t exercise for 2 minutes?  And you’ll feel successful, and good about yourself. Take that successful feeling and build on it, with another baby step. Add 2-3 minutes to your exercise routine, for example. With each step (and each step should last about a week), you will feel even more successful. Make each step really, really small, and you won’t fail. After a couple of months, your tiny steps will add up to a lot of progress and a lot of success.

Read about it daily. When I lose motivation, I just read a book or blog about my goal. It inspires me and reinvigorates me. For some reason, reading helps motivate and focus you on whatever you’re reading about. So read about your goal every day, if you can, especially when you’re not feeling motivated.

Call for help when your motivation ebbs. Having trouble? Ask for help. Email me. Join an online forum. Get a partner to join you. Call your mom. It doesn’t matter who, just tell them your problems, and talking about it will help. Ask them for advice. Ask them to help you overcome your slump. It works.

Think about the benefits, not the difficulties. One common problem is that we think about how hard something is. Exercise sounds so hard! Just thinking about it makes you tired. But instead of thinking about how hard something is, think about what you will get out of it. For example, instead of thinking about how tiring exercise can be, focus on how good you’ll feel when you’re done, and how you’ll be healthier and slimmer over the long run. The benefits of something will help energize you.

Squash negative thoughts; replace them with positive ones. Along those lines, it’s important to start monitoring your thoughts. Recognize negative self-talk, which is really what’s causing your slump. Just spend a few days becoming aware of every negative thought. Then, after a few days, try squashing those negative thoughts like a bug, and then replacing them with a corresponding positive thought. Squash, “This is too hard!” and replace it with, “I can do this! If that wimp Leo can do it, so can I!” It sounds corny, but it works. Really.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Creamy Butternut Squash Pasta Recipe

So I had never tried butternut squash so I thought this recipe would be a good starting point.

I also should add that I fooled my children into believing that it was mac n cheese WIN WIN


*1 butternut squash cut in half
*2 tbsp. olive oil
*black pepper to taste
*one box of your favorite pasta
*2tbsp butter
*1tsp sage
*2tbsp flour
*1/4cup of milk I ended up using about a full cup
*2 cloves of garlic

*preheat oven to 400 degrees place the butternut squash on a lined or non stick cookie sheet cut side down. Add some olive oil and pepper to the top. Cook in the oven for about 40 minutes, then let cool for about 5 minutes before pureeing in a blender until smooth.

*white the butternut squash is cooking boil and cook your pasta. Drain well

*to make the sauce melt the butter in a saucepan. Add garlic and sage for about 3-4 minutes. Whisk in the flour until lightly brown and one minute. Gradually whisk in the milk and the butter nut squash puree. Cook and whisk constantly until thickened about 2-3 minutes. Stir in the pasta and gently toss together.

This is soooo good and I highly recommend trying it!


Cheesy Potato Soup (Fall Comfort Food)

I am a huge soup, stew and chili fan! I could eat any of it in 90 degree weather.
My 13 year old daughter loves soup as much as I do, so last year I started to really experiment with different variations and different recipes. This is one that I tried this past week and it was great!


*6-8 potatoes chopped
*3 carrots cut
*3 celery cut
*one medium onion chopped
*1 cup extra sharp cheddar cheese
*1/2tsp garlic powder
*2 cups milk
*1/4cup flour
*4 cups chicken stock
*1 cup water
*pepper to taste

*Saute onions, celery and carrots in a large stock pot until onions are clear and tender. If you do not have a non stick pan you may need some olive oil to prevent sticking.

*Add 1 cup of water to veggies and simmer for a couple of minutes.

* then add the potatoes, chicken broth and pepper.

*Simmer soup covered for about 20 minutes while potatoes cook.

*About 5 minutes before potatoes are done prepare the cheese sauce. I cut up my block of cheese in squares.

*In a small pot combine 1/4 cup of flour and 1 cup of milk and whisk together until the milk is blended. Heat over medium heat. Add the second cup of milk and stir constantly to allow it to thicken.

*When thick add the cheese and stir until melted

*When the potatoes are tender pour the cheese sauce into the soup. Stir to combine. Continue to simmer the soup until the desired thickness is reached, stirring constantly.

*this one you will want to serve right away!!! Yummmm!!! You could even add ham to it if you wanted to


Quick and Easy Pumpkin Muffins

This is honestly my favorite time of the year! I love everything pumpkin and spice! My children are the same way so here is one that I came up with for them.


*One yellow or spice cake mix
*one can of pumpkin
*one egg
*cinnamon 1/4tsp
*nutmeg 1/4tsp
*pumpkin spice 1/4tsp
*white chocolate chips (a few handfuls)

*Preheat oven to 350 and either spray your muffin tins or line them with cupcake wrappers.

*In a mixing bowl combine the cake mix, can of pumpkin, egg, nutmeg and the pumpkin spice. Mix well

*fill 12 muffin tins with the mixture

*on top of each muffin sprinkle cinnamon and then add the white chocolate chips

*Mine roughly took 15-20 minutes

They were so good warm or cold!!

Give it a try!!!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Healthy Habits Every Mother Should Teach Their Childern

I believe very strongly that it is the Mother's duty to teach their children good eating habits and some will disagree. Obesity in children is on the rise and growing rapidly. This is because children no longer know how to be active, they are thrown in front of the TV at a very young age, then introduced to electronics. Families are so inundated with jobs, functions and other activities that there is crazy amounts of fast food and restaurant food consumed weekly. Some say "well we like to treat our children on the weekends with going out to eat". To that I say:

*is your child a dog?? No so why treat them like dogs
*your teaching poor eating habits that will set the stage for their adulthood
*fussy eating habits at home
*no energy
*poor school participation/unable to focus
*sick all the time

Does poor eating do all this?? Your damn right it does, so why not as the Mother set the stage now and teach your children healthy habits that will grow thru out their lifetimes.

Part of your responsibility as a parent is to teach your children how to lead healthy lives. The best time to start teaching these lessons to children is when they’re young, before unhealthy choices become lifelong bad habits. When you want to pass on healthy habits to your kids, it’s important to practice what you preach. Just telling your kids what to do won’t necessarily work—they need to see you choosing healthy behaviors too.

Children in the United States are gaining more weight than ever before. They’re eating too much high-fat, high-sugar food and are spending less time being physically active. Weight problems that develop during childhood can lead to weight-related illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.

What can I do?

Pay attention to the kinds of food you buy. Limit the amount of "junk food" your kids eat. Have plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables available. Be aware even "low-fat" foods may include unwanted ingredients such as added sugar.

  1. Be a good role model - You don’t have to be perfect all the time, but if kids see you trying to eat right and getting physically active, they’ll take notice of your efforts. You’ll send a message that good health is impor­tant to your family.
  2. Keep things positive - Kid’s don’t like to hear what they can’t do, tell them what they can do instead. Keep it fun and positive. Everyone likes to be praised for a job well done. Celebrate successes and help children and teens develop a good self-image.
  3. Get the whole family moving - Plan times for everyone to get moving together. Take walks, ride bikes, go swimming, garden or just play hide-and-seek outside. Everyone will benefit from the exercise and the time together.
  4. Be realistic - Setting realistic goals and limits are key to adopting any new behavior. Small steps and gradual changes can make a big difference in your health over time, so start small and build up.
  5. Limit TV, video game and computer time - These habits lead to a sedentary lifestyle and excessive snacking, which increase risks for obesity and cardiovascular disease. Limit screen time to 1 hours per day.
  6. Encourage physical activities that they’ll really enjoy - Every child is unique. Let your child experiment with different activities until they find something that they really love doing. They’ll stick with it longer if they love it. check out these activities for kids.
  7. Pick truly rewarding rewards - Don’t reward children with tv, video games, candy or snacks for a job well done. Find other ways to celebrate good behavior.
  8. Make dinnertime a family time - When everyone sits down together to eat, there’s less chance of children eating the wrong foods or snacking too much. Get your kids involved in cooking and planning meals. Everyone develops good eating habits together and the quality time with the family will be an added bonus.
  9. Make a game of reading food labels - The whole family will learn what’s good for their health and be more conscious of what they eat. It’s a habit that helps change behavior for a lifetime. Learn more about reading nutrition labels.
  10. Stay involved - Be an advocate for healthier children. Insist on good food choices at school. Make sure your children’s healthcare providers are monitoring cardiovascular indicators like BMI, blood pressure and cholesterol. Contact public officials on matters of the heart. Make your voice heard.

Your the Mom and children feed of off what we do so lets take a stand and build them up to success!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Sausage Stuffed Acorn Squash Recipe

This is my second time ever making acorn squash and I must say I am rather impressed. I really am so happy that I vowed along my fitness journey to try something new every couple of weeks. I have found so many things that I now like and so many different variations to make the foods in.


*1 acorn squash cut long ways (seeded)
*1 medium onion chopped
*1/2lb ground sausage (you could use ground turkey or chicken)
*garlic powder
*black pepper
*2 slices of provolone cheese

*I kinda just eye balled everyone that is why there is no exact measurements.

What to do:

*Preheat your oven to 350 degrees

*take cut acorn squash and place cut side down on a casserole dish. Put a slice of butter on the top of each and place in the oven. Cook roughly 45-60 minutes or until it is pretty much cooked.

*while that is cooking cook the ground sausage and onions. Also add the garlic powder and black pepper.

*Once both are cooked take a scoop of the sausage mixture and fill each of the acorn squashes. Then top with the provolone cheese and put it back into the oven until the cheese is melted.

*Super simple and the sausage mixture can be prepped ahead when you do all the rest of your weekly meal prep.*

Go pick up some acorn squash this weekend and give this one a try!


Thursday, September 25, 2014

October 5 Day Clean Eating Challenge

Something wonderful is just around the corner, expect it. It may not come in the form that you expect, but expect it none the less.

The 5 Day Clean Eating Challenge Group will start in Mid October. It is a great way to kick start your routine, give you some great new healthy recipes, and show you how easy it is to eat clean with a little preparation and time. It is also a great way to get back on track after a vacation or just life taking over.
The group is a private group on Facebook, so only others in the group will see the activity. I will provide you with a grocery list and full meal plans for the entire 5 days. All that is required is a daily check in to answer some questions and show us how your meals are going! Since it is only 5 days, I ask that everyone stay committed, and if you will see awesome results even in just a few days.

One requirement will be to purchase a Shakeology Taste Sampler, which costs $19.95.
Does the group sound like something you want to do? I love running these, because everyone supports and motivates each other as we all work towards the same goal of getting on track with being healthy : Let me know if you have any questions and if you would like to join! 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

How to prep meals for the week

Let's face it we all are busy and the last thing on our minds at the end of the workday is going home and making a four course meal. Usually the evening consists of homework, sports practices, laundry and other things. What do a majority of us turn to for dinner?? Take out and that teaches are children at a very young age how to eat unhealthy and can lead to obesity at a very young age. We as parents don't want to see that happen to our children.

So how can busy families eat healthy at home but still have time for everything else. It is very simple, schedule a day in your week (usually Sundays because that is when a new week of sales start) to spend a few hours meal prepping for the week.

Well what the hell does meal prep mean?? Simply, you spend this day prepping meals for the week. For example this week boneless chicken breast is on sale for $1.99lb so I picked some up and that will be 4 nights worth of meals, another night will be a pasta night, one night a leftovers night and then the 7th night is what I call in my house "free night". Free night consists of either grilled cheese sandwiches and soup, cereal, breakfast food or whatever the kids want (within reason lol).

4 nights of chicken sounds like it would get old after the first two nights but with food prep you are making different recipes. So on Sunday you would cook your chicken. My 4 recipes are: Chicken noodle soup, a balsamic grilled chicken, lemon pepper chicken and a healthy chicken parm. So on Sunday I boiled all the chicken just plain to cook it. I like to boil my chicken because it pulls apart nicely and it stays moist. But you would cook it based on your recipes you are going to use in the upcoming week.

Once the chicken is cooked I will place it in 4 separate containers and store in the fridge. I will prep anything else for the week that I will want such as plain rice and maybe a cake, cookies or brownies for an afternoon snack thru out the week for the kids. I will add marinades to the chicken if that is what I plan to do and also this week because I am making chicken parm. I will make a homemade sauce at the same time the chicken is prepping.

Alright so I did all this prep stuff on Sunday and now Monday night is here what the heck do I do??
Monday night is balsamic grilled chicken so light the grill and throw the chicken on until it is the likeness your family likes. Remember it is already cooked so it is basically to heat it up and crisp it up. Make up a quick salad or cook a veggie and boom in under 15 minutes dinner is on the table. How long does it take you to drive to mcdonalds?

Tuesday night is pasta night. While doing home work with the children boil and cook a box of pasta, heat up the sauce that was prepped on sunday, pull out some bread or rolls, salad or veggie and there it is done again.

Wednesday Night lemon pepper chicken, rice and veggies. Add seasoning to your prepped chicken and throw it in the oven until heated. Heat up the rice and make some mixed veggies. Pretty meal in absolutely no time at all.

Thursday night is leftovers night

Friday night is homemade chicken noodle soup. Take your prepped chicken and chop it up, throw it pot, throw in some frozen carrots, celery, corn etc whatever you like in your soup, a cartoon or two of stock, a little pepper, celery salt and bring to a boil. Serve with some dinner rolls and enjoy!

Saturday night is chicken parm night. Myself and my 2 children cant eat breaded things so I will throw the prepped chicken under the broiler to get a little crunch, then add sauce and some cheese and put back under the broiler until melted. This can be served with pasta, salad whatever your family prefers. Again super simple right??

Ok so  you really just don't want to do the same meat like the way I did. So instead of making 4 nights of chicken make 2 nights worth of chicken and two nights of ground turkey. Make and prep a turkey meatloaf and then cook some ground turkey for taco night, then do two nights of chicken.

I highly recommend never making more than two types of meat because you will end up having more than a weeks worth of food and have to throw it away. Keep it simple, the elaborate meals are for the holidays lol

Crock Pot meals are amazing. Say tomorrow night I want to make chilli. So tonight after my children go to bed I will throw my already cooked from sunday ground turkey into the crock pot with all the other ingredients, throw in my fridge over night. Then in the morning pull out and turn on low for the day. When you come home dinner will be waiting and just serve with rolls or bread.

I am not a fan of freezer meals but lots of people like them. They are something that you could do on your prep day.

Meal prep isn't rocket science and really isn't all that complicated. It just takes a few hours on a not so hectic day off. Here are some links for more ideas:

On Sundays I will also go out and buy fresh fruit and other things that I may need. I love to have snacks ready to go for the week. The kids can grab a snack while working on their homework. I always have apples, bananas, yogurt, baby carrots, crackers etc on hand. School and work lunches are made in the morning while my youngest daughter is eating breakfast. Breakfast in my house is usually waffles, fresh fruit and yogurt, bagels or cereal. On Sundays when I am prepping dinners I will make breakfast sandwiches or burritos and freeze them. That way during the week if one of the kids want one I will just microwave it and it is great. No fuss and little time. My house is up at 5:30 am during the week, my husband is out the door before 6:00, 2 of my kids are out the door by 7:00 and my other kid is out the door at 8:00 so there is no time for much lol

Please lets ask some questions or comment anything that has worked for your family. Eating better for us will work a lot better if we can make it work with the whole families schedule. I use to be one of those moms that would make 2-3 different meals a night because my kids refused to even try it based on what it looked like. I don't have time for that anymore and I am not a short order cook. They try everything that I make and if they don't like it they can have a sandwich, soup, cereal etc. Children adjust extremely well if we just don't give in and they wont starve. They actually find that they like a lot of things this way.

I hope this post helps! Have a GREAT day!!!

Jamie <3

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Are you really hungry or just bored?!?!

It is 2:30 in the afternoon and all you can think about is food (more in particular bad food). You had a decent lunch with protein and veggies and you just had a snack of an apple and almonds but you still feel starved. Is it because you just absolutely need chocolate, candy, sugar or any other sweet treat?? That is what your mind wants you to think, BUT in reality you are just BORED!

How to tell the difference?? Get up out of your office chair and walk around or go get a glass of water and drink it slowly while counting to 100. Did you know that a craving lasts no more than two minutes? Your mind re-focuses if you give it something different to think about. You actually control your body, you can shut that mind up by changing the subject. It is possible to beat the mid-morning or mid-afternoon slump.

Motivation for Weight Loss http://www.teambeachbody... http://jessika07mae@gmai... Check out Dieting Digest

56 Names of Sugar... Seriously there is that many?!?!

Did anyone have any idea that there are 56 names of sugar?? WOW that is crazy!!!

56 names for SUGAR. When reading labels beware of the different names of sugar. #charlottepediatricclinic

Monday, September 15, 2014

Healthy Pumpkin Bars Under 50 Calories for one!!!!

Healthy Pumpkin Bars

Here is my healthy recipe for the day! I hope you all enjoy it and they really were simple easy to make. If you love pumpkin as much as I do give them a try!


1/2 Cup all purpose flour
1tsp cinnamon
1/4tsp ground ginger
1/2tsp baking powder
1/4tsp baking soda
1/4tsp salt
1 egg
3tbsp brown sugar
2tbsp sugar
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
2tbsp milk
2tbsp applesauce
1/2tsp vanilla extract

*I did not have brown sugar so I just did 5 tbsp. of sugar and instead of milk I used vanilla almond milk*

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine and mix dry ingredients in a bowl. Combine and mix wet ingredients in a different bowl, then combine and mix again. Spread into an oiled loaf pan and bake for around 15 minutes. Mine made roughly 16 bars and I added a little sprinkle of confectionary sugar on top.!!!



Saturday, September 13, 2014

Lasagna Gnocchi Soup

I don't know about your neck of the woods, but where I live it was cold and rainy today. My kids are coming off of their first full week of school and asked for a lazy stay at home day. So that is what they did. I really didn't know what I wanted to make for dinner but I had taken ground sausage out of the freezer this morning to defrost. So here is what I came up with, I literally just threw stuff into the pot.


1lb of ground sausage

1 onion

1 package of gnocchi

1 32oz can of diced tomatoes

1 8oz package of cream cheese

Pepper to taste

32oz of low sodium chicken stock

1tsp garlic powder

Start by cooking the ground sausage and the onion. Once those are cooked throw the chicken stock, pepper, garlic powder, diced tomatoes and cream cheese into the pot. Cook for about 5 minutes while the cream cheese slowly starts to melt down and thicken the sauce. Then add the gnocchi and continue to cook for another 10-15 minutes until it reaches the thickness that you prefer.

Serve and Enjoy!!

Apple Pork Chops... Fall is in the AIR!!!

I am not a fan of pork chops, mostly because they are always so dry. I have slowly found recipes that make eating them a little better. This may be the new family favorite! I served these with the stuffed acorn squash I posted before this one so go check it out.


1-3 apples (any type you prefer) cut

4 boneless pork chops

2tbsp butter

2tsp cinnamon

1tsp nutmeg

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. In a casserole dish add your pork chops, the butter, apples, cinnamon and nutmeg. Put it in the oven and bake until the pork chops are cook. For the thickness I had they took roughly 10-15 minutes.

Serve and Enjoy!

Stuffed Acorn Squash Recipe

So I had never had acorn squash before and my husband was like you need to just cook it with brown sugar. Well my health side said well that is calories galore. I came up with this recipe instead lol and guess what the hubby LOVED it!!!

2- Acorn Squash cut in half
3tbsp olive oil
a few handfuls of spinach
one onion diced
3/4 tsp thyme
1 cup long grain rice
2 cup low sodium chicken stock
1/2 cup parmesan cheese
Preheat your oven to 450 degrees. Drizzle lightly 1tbsp of olive oil over the insides of the squash and season with pepper. Place cut side down on baking dish. Roast until tender for my oven it was 35 minutes. When I took the squash out of the oven I flipped them over and then I took a spoon and scraped the center seed part out. It was a lot easier at that point to get it out I thought.
meanwhile in a skillet I heat the remaining 2tbsp of olive oil. Add the diced onions and thyme. Saute until the onions are transparent and then throw in the spinach. Cook for a few minutes until the spinach is withered down.
Add rice and broth and bring to a boil. Cover and reduce heat to low. Cook until all liquid is gone, roughly about 20 minutes.
Divide the rice mixture and place inside each slice of squash. Sprinkle with the parmesan cheese and place under the broiler until you have a crunchy top.
I served this with Apple Pork Chops!
That recipe is coming next!!

September: 21 Day Challenge Pack

Would you like to lose up to 15lbs in just 21 days?

What if I told you all you had to do was follow a simple eating guide with color coordinated containers without the need to count calories or points? What is I said all you had to do was a quick 30 minute workout everyday?

What is the 21 Day Fix?

The 21 Day Fix is a nutrition and fitness program that makes losing weight so simple, anyone can do it. Easy-to-follow portion control and 30-minute workouts take the guesswork out of losing weight to help you see results fast.

You don't have to count calories, points, or log your food into diet apps or journals. With the 21 Day Fix everything is laid out for you. All you have to do is use the specially designed portion-control containers and do one 30 minute workout per day.

What comes in the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack:

1. 7 color coded portion control containers plus a Shakeology shaker cup

2. 7 workout DVD's

3. 21 Day Fix Start Here Guide

4. 21 Day Fix Eating Plan

5. 3 Day Quick Fix Guide

6. A month supply of Shakeology

7. me as your Coach and support team

8. and much more... Did I mention there is a money back guarantee!!

How much does this cost?

For the month of September you can pick up this Challenge Pack for $140.00
Don't forget this comes with a month supply of Shakeology which normally costs $129.95 so basically for $10.00 you are getting a full workout DVD set!!! What a no brainer!!!!

I am looking for 5 or more people who want to try out this amazing deal and take part in my Challenge group in October. Would you like to be 15lbs lighter by Halloween?? Lets do it together, my challenge group with offer tips, recipes, motivation, support and so much more. I also will do the 21 Days along with you and there will be a prize given at the end of the Challenge. Who is ready??

Contact me and lets get started!!!!

Jamie Barton
607-427-5122 (call or text me)
Email me at:
Find me on Facebook @Jamie Barton or @Jamie Barton - Health, Fitness & Motivation
Find me on Instagram @Jamie.Barton.Fitness
Check out my website

Please don't give up!! Please Read...

We are all guilty of making EXCUSES in our life. We make excuses for good reasons and for bad reasons. Excuses should never be made when it comes to our health, remember the way we treat our bodies now will determine how our bodies fuction when we are old.

Today is September 13th and Day 13 of the September Challenge. Ask yourself "have I really given what I could, do I really want this to work this time, am I really worthy or deserve this" The answer to all of this is YES but it has to be YOU that says YES as well.

I want to share with you two messages I received from participates this week and I hope that this encourages you in some why.

Message 1:

"Today I wore new clothes that I purchased about a month ago and I cant tell you how many compliments I got today. (People were saying "are you getting skinny?", "are you loosing weight?", "you are looking great".) Today was real motivation to keep working harder, it really made my day!"

Back ground on this person: She is a Wife, Mother, Grandmother with a full time job.

Message 2:

"Hey Lady, I just wanted to tell you it is only the 12th day of the challenge and with my daughter being busy with her sports and me playing softball, walking every night and watching what I eat I checked the scale and had to have my daughter double check for me. I am already down 16lbs and it is AWESOME! The only reason I did check was because my co workers have mentioned I looked good and asked if I had lost weight. I love it and thank you for the push in the right direction."

Back ground on this person: She is a Wife and Mother of one almost teenage girl who is very active in sports. She also works a full time job and is always go go go.

I want to thank you both for sharing your news with me, both brought tears to my eyes and I am so proud of the hard work and dedication you both are showing. You are an inspiration to others who are on the same journey as you are. You also are inspiring to me <3

To all my September Challenge Group people and also to all of you following my pages: Continue to wake up everyday and make the day count, there will be set backs but push thru those set backs. No excuse is worth reaching your goal, there is always time you just have to want it bad enough to find that time.

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!!!
Love and hugs to each and every one of you,

 Motivational Monday inspirational quote #ravensreststudio

Banana for Breakfast anyone???

This is interesting. After reading this, you'll never look at a banana in the same way again.

Bananas contain three natural sugar...s - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy.

Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.

But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.

According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.

Forget the pills - eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.

High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.

This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it perfect to beat blood pressure So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.

200 students at a Twickenham school ( England ) were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.

High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.

One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.

Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.

Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.

Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.

Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system..
Overweight and at work? Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and chips. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady.

The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chroniclercases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.

Many other cultures see bananas as a 'cooling' fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand , for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.

So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has FOUR TIMES the protein, TWICE the carbohydrate, THREE TIMES the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals.. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around So maybe its time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, 'A BANANA a day keeps the doctor away!'

Banana for Breakfast anyone???

This is interesting. After reading this, you'll never look at a banana in the same way again.

Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy.

Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.

But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.

According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.

Forget the pills - eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.

High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.

This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it perfect to beat blood pressure So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.

200 students at a Twickenham school ( England ) were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.

High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.

One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.

Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.

Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.

Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.

Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system..

Overweight and at work? Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and chips. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady.

The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chroniclercases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.

Many other cultures see bananas as a 'cooling' fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand , for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.

So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has FOUR TIMES the protein, TWICE the carbohydrate, THREE TIMES the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals.. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around So maybe its time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, 'A BANANA a day keeps the doctor away!'


Friday, September 12, 2014

You didn't get to this point over night

As much as we think we didn't get to this point with our health, weight and fitness overnight. It most likely has been years of stress, pain, hardship, busy schedules, poor eating choices and just LIFE in general.

So how can we expect to just lose the weight overnight? We cant and if we continue to believe that, our goals will never be met. To stay focused and on target you need to understand it TAKES TIME and ALOT OF HARD WORK! Will there be days that are harder than others?? There sure will be, but each day you will become stronger and before you know it you will see results!


#fitness #motivation motivational quotes for health, fitness, and success

Why do carbs really matter?

There has always been the debate weather or not carbs are good or bad. Honestly I think it all comes down to individual body structures and how well a person can break them down. Me, I have a sensitivity to certain carbs. I eat a piece of pizza, bread or potato and I literally gain weight over night and then it takes me days of working out really hard to burn the weight back off.

HEALTHY FOOD - Carbohydrates #Infographic The benefits of good carbs and disadvantages of bad carbs - a comparison.

Abs exercises that are not just crunch after crunch!

Are you tired of doing crunches like I am?? Here are several effective exercises that you can do for your abs.

Cleanse & nourish your body from the inside out with a SkinnyMe teatox - lose weight & discover a healthier you today at .

Think before you EAT

Do you really know how hard you have to work to burn off that "cheat food" you just had?? Is it really worth feeding that craving?? Did you know that a craving lasts no more than two minutes??

Instead of giving in and feeding that craving why not fight it. A craving is your minds way of telling you that it is bored. Beat that craving by sipping water and counting to 100 or get up and go for a quick walk around your home or work. Just by changing your minds subject that craving will disappear.

This is wonderful! What a great way to make yourself and build up confidence - Think Before I Eat Healthy products cheaper with iHerb coupon OWI469

Thursday, September 11, 2014

You have to BELIEVE in YOU!!

The people that are able to stay focused, dedicated and strong must first BELIEVE in themselves.

Understand that no matter the goal YOU are always worth the hard work, time and dedication.

BUT understand YOU are the one that has to fight and go get what YOU want!!!

Give the heart a rest from time to time!

The heart really works 24/7 and doesn't get much of a break! Here is a simple exercise that you can do anytime and will do wonders for the body!

check out the exercise here

Even if you don't practice yoga, you need to do this every day! Excellent for your legs, body, and mind after being on your feet all day in your classroom.

Spaghetti Squash/Ground Turkey Recipe

I am a HUGE fan of spaghetti squash and it is the start of the season! I cant get enough of the stuff and I love to come up with new recipes. Here is one that I literally threw together last night!


One full size spaghetti squash or 2 small ones

1lb of ground turkey

one onion or 2 small ones chopped

2 carrots chopped

one tomato chopped

2 handfuls of spinach

feta cheese

garlic powder


little Italian seasoning

Here is what I did. For the spaghetti squash I tried something a little different and it worked great. Check out the link for what I did.

While the spaghetti squash was cooking, I browned the ground turkey along with the onion, garlic powder, pepper, Italian seasoning and carrots. At the end of cooking add the tomato and the spinach. Cook for about two minutes longer until the spinach has withered a little.  Once the spaghetti squash is cooled, scrap it out into a casserole dish. Then add in the ground turkey mixture and mix all together lightly. On top add the feta cheese and then put the casserole dish under the broiler for about 5 minutes. Serve and Enjoy! This one was really good, I will make it again that is for sure! Extra 40% Off Your Purchase + Free Shipping = Great Deals on Shoes, Apparel, & More

Now through 9/15, is offering up 40% off your order when you use the code FASTFRIENDS at checkout. Even sweeter, you’ll also score FREE shipping on ANY order – no minimum! Plus, be sure to check out their Sale Section as items are up to 50% off…or more!

Plus, whenever you spend $50 or more through September 15th, you’ll earn $25 in Score Big Rewards (will appear in cart and ship with your order)! You can then redeem your rewards with a $50 in-store or online purchase, from 9/18-9/29. Go here for more details.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014 Reebok One Series Running Shoes Only $45 Shipped (Reg. Up to $114.99!) – Today Only

Today only, is offering up select men’s & women’s running shoes in the Reebok One Series for just $45 (regularly up to $114.99 – over 60% off!) when you use the promo code OneSeries45 at checkout (excludes One Series Breeze and the One Series 2.0). Plus, always offers up FREE shipping – no minimum!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Healthy Halupki Casserole... Yum so good and quick!

Healthy Halupki Casserole Recipe

I never was a fan of the whole halupki thing when I was growing up. I would always open up the cabbage and just eat the rice and hamburger mixture, anyone else do that growing up?? I use to make my mother so mad! I made Halupki the old fashion way once last year and don't get me wrong it was frickin incredible, BUT it took hours of prep. Lets face it no one these days has time for that. So why not just throw it all in a casserole dish and cook it?!?!

Here is what I used:

- one medium size head of cabbage
-1lb ground chicken
-1 medium size onion (chopped)
-1/3 cup uncooked brown rice
-2 can progresso tomato soup (blue can)
-1 soup can full of water
-a little sprinkle of sugar (like 1/4tsp)
-2tbsp red wine vinegar
-pepper to taste
-garlic powder (1/4 tsp)
-Italian season (1/4 tsp)

Chop up the cabbage and place into a 9 X 12 casserole pan, stoneware whatever you use.

Brown the ground chicken, add onion, spices and rice. Mix well then dump on top of the cabbage.

Add to the casserole dish the soup, water, sugar and vinegar and then mix well.

Bake at 350 degrees for about 90 minutes stirring every so often. Cabbage should be tender. Once done I sprinkled a little parmesan cheese on top.

With the way I made it the calorie count was 360 calories per serving, not bad at all!

You can always throw this in the crock pot and cook it all day and it will be ready for you when you come home from work. Also you can use ground turkey instead of chicken, or ground beef but beef will bump the calorie count up. Tomato sauce can be used instead of soup but again just check the sodium amounts on what you use. My picky eater Alexis even said it was good!!!

Give it a try and let me know what you guys think. FYI cabbage is on sale at Maines this week for $0.29lb.


Why exercise?? What can it really do for me besides waste my time...

Why exercise??

For starters have you ever noticed that people that exercise have a lot more energy than people who don't? They have this energy because they workout, working out speeds up the metabolism naturally which in turn gives you natural energy.

If I don't exercise for one day my body lets me know. I will start to feel tired, low energy and very sluggish.

Why Exercise

Walk It Off

Adding just 2000-3000 more steps daily to regular activities may help prevent weight gain.

Getting more steps in daily is actually pretty simple.

Things you can do:

Park in the farthest parking spot in a parking lot

Take the stairs instead of using the elevator

Take 10 minutes to stop at the track and walk a lap or walk around the outside of your house

Do some kind of activity with your children such as a game of kickball

There are also free Apps on smartphones that you can download and keep track of your steps and there are things like FitBits that do the same thing but they are costly. I have a FitBit and I love it. I challenge myself everyday to do better than the previous day.

Walk It Off

Food Calorie Chart...

Have you ever wondered how many calories are in certain foods??

Here is a great handy little chart that will tell you just that...

How many calories do you think you consume in a day?

I use to consume on average 3000-4000 calories everyday and I thought I was eating pretty healthy. Boy was I wrong. I had no idea what serving sizes were or that carbs were so high in calories.

Food Calorie Chart

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Protein from Plant Foods


How to get enough calcium when you have dairy issues

I suffer from dairy issues, I cant eat them without getting sick and terrible stomach pain. So this means I lack calcium so here is a great guide on how to get enough calcium from other foods.

Healthy Sources of Dairy-Free Calcium [INFOGRAPHIC] Follow these and more healthy food tips at

Did you know there was so many health benefits from lemons?

Lemon water has so many health benefits and it tastes great too. I love water infused with lemon especially first thing in the morning. It really gets the whole body moving.

10 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

20 Unique Healthy Food Substitues

Check out this list of unique healthy food substitutes.

I love to use greek yogurt and zucchini as substitutes all the time. It really does add a nice flavor.

Motherhood in the Major Leagues : Beauty/Fitness Friday: Healthy Food Substitutes

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Welcome to my page...

Welcome everyone to my NEW Fitness Page. Please take a minute to check out the "About Me" Tab and read my story. Can you relate to any of it?? I know a lot of us are Mom's and Dad's living very busy, hectic lives and tend to neglect our own needs. I am here to be that added motivation, encouragement, mentor, friend and side kick to tackle any journey that you couldn't quite do on your own.

I also will post much more than fitness advice. You will find things like tips, tricks, workout ideas and videos, recipes, great coupons to live that healthy life, amazing deals for the family and maybe I will even throw in some pictures of nails designs I am doing.

I will occasionally be running Shake & Share Parties, Weekly Fit Clubs, Challenge Groups and Giveaways so stay tuned....

Here is to a better lifestyle and a new YOU!!!

Lets get motivated together...

Jamie Independent Beachbody Coach