The 5 Day Clean Eating Challenge Group will start in Mid October. It is a great way to kick start your routine, give you some great new healthy recipes, and show you how easy it is to eat clean with a little preparation and time. It is also a great way to get back on track after a vacation or just life taking over.
The group is a private group on Facebook, so only others in the group will see the activity. I will provide you with a grocery list and full meal plans for the entire 5 days. All that is required is a daily check in to answer some questions and show us how your meals are going! Since it is only 5 days, I ask that everyone stay committed, and if you will see awesome results even in just a few days.
One requirement will be to purchase a Shakeology Taste Sampler, which costs $19.95.
Does the group sound like something you want to do? I love running these, because everyone supports and motivates each other as we all work towards the same goal of getting on track with being healthy : Let me know if you have any questions and if you would like to join!
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